Fashion field has lot more to learn which teaches you beauty in textile, which play
major role in all individual life style in specific context like color, clothing, accessories,
makeup, hairstyle, jewelry, footwear, lifestyle and fabric then body posture.
Fashion is all about people needs on bases of proper fashion trend
forecasting then analyzing what they waiting for upcoming product style.

Fashion is somewhat like as old as time and as new as tomorrow and the market has thrown open a plethora of boutique fashion designers who are rocking the world. With newer techniques like design elements, design principles, design software, merchandising management coming into play, the fashion industry is inching towards bigger standards.
There are countless benefits of fashion designing that one can think of.
Mainly no more second chance in choosing fashion field in doubt as of its in
peak level for business and entrepreneurs and not only fashion designers
are meant to be in fashion industry but all non-subject people are now and
can be into fashion and here we are out 'Dream Zone"
Pattern making is a highly skilled technique which calls for technical ability and a sensitivity to to interpret a design with a practical understanding of garment construction.For successful dress, designing, pattern making forms the fundamental step.
Garment construction is a technical accomplishment that requires the knowledge and skills of basic sewing techniques.It is one of the basic content of fashion designing.
A pattern maker can convert fashion designers imagination to the materialized.The sustainability of design mostly depends on pattern makers expertise, efficiency and capability.
Methods of preparing patterns are:
3.Commercial pattern.
Different Categories in Fashion